“#1 SM Dating” serves as a matchmaker for affluent SM Sugar Daddies and SM ladies who are seeking to change their destiny, helping them meet and head towards long-term relationship and even marriage. This matching process involves two steps: Trial Dating and Long-term Arrangement.
Trial Dating
A SM Sugar Daddy usually dates the SM lady once or twice. If both of them have enjoyed their time together, he will start to sponsor or foster her.
For your initial contact with a Sugar Daddy, we have three types of Trial Dating: Daytime Trial Dating, Overnight Trial Dating and Full Day Trial Dating. The Trial Dating can be repeated several times. After understanding each other for a while, they can start a Long-term Arrangement if both parties have intentions.
> Daytime Trial Dating
The Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby meet in Baby’s city for a few hours at daytime. After one or a few times of dating, you will get to know each other. If both parties intend, they can move on to the next step: Long-term Arrangement.
Because each lady’s situation is different, the content of Daytime Trial Dating could be different. While applying for Daytime Trial Dating, applicants are kindly requested to inform the Club about their availability, expected Sugar Daddies, expected remuneration, the length of the dating and the latest end time, etc.
> Overnight Trial Dating
The Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby meet in Baby’s city for an overnight. After one or a few times of dating, you will get to know each other. If both parties intend, they can move on to the next step: Long-term Arrangement.
While applying for Overnight Trial Dating, applicants are kindly requested to inform the Club about their availability, expected Sugar Daddies, expected remuneration, the length of the dating and the latest end time, etc.
> Full Day Trial Dating
The Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby enjoy a short holiday together for one or a few days to get to know each other. This might be in the Sugar Daddy’s home or a 5 star hotel.
You will live together or travel together for a day or several days, getting to sense each other. If both parties intend, they can move on to the next step: Long-term Arrangement.
While applying for Full Day Trial Dating, applicants are kindly requested to inform the Club about their availability, expected Sugar Daddies, expected remuneration and areas they are able to travel to, etc.
Long-term Arrangement
The Long-term Arrangement will have a fixed financial aid and emotional agreement between the Sugar Daddy and the Sugar Baby. This arrangement lasts at least one month and usually a year or several. It can easily lead to marriage.
We normally recommend two types of Long-term Arrangement that are described below, but if you or your Sugar Daddy are interested in a different arrangement we are happy to assist.
> Sponsorship Long-Term Arrangement
This is a lover style relationship, where two adults enjoy each other’s company but still live separately. The Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby date regularly like normal lovers, either meeting at someone’s home or at an agreed rendezvous. It is important to remember that although you may be living alone, your Sugar Daddy will still expect you to be faithful to him. This is not an escort service; your Daddy is literally sponsoring you to be his close, personal friend and lover.
Here are some of the most common examples of this that we have seen:
- The Sugar Baby is studying at university and Sugar Daddy often comes over to visit her
- The Sugar Daddy lives at home and the Sugar Baby comes to meet him regularly
- The Sugar Daddy provides a place for Sugar Baby to live alone, and keeps her as a “secret lover”, visiting her whenever he is able
- For Sugar Daddies that travel a lot for work, we have also had requests for sponsoring a lover that lives in the city he visits for work
While applying for Sponsorship Long-Term Arrangement, applicants are kindly requested to inform the Club about their availability, expected Sugar Daddies, expected remuneration and areas they are able to travel, etc.
> Fostering Long-Term Arrangement
Just like a husband and wife, or long term couple, the Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby live together at the Sugar Daddy’s home. They will also travel together, have holidays, and do all of the things that make life fun, and now they have someone to enjoy these experiences with.
This is our most common arrangement, and our male members (Sugar Daddies) have had many different reasons to seek it:
- A Sugar Baby studying abroad gets support, somewhere to live, spending money and the safety of a good home.
- A Sugar Daddy meets a woman who genuinely cares for him, without needing thousands of hours on dating services.
- A Sugar Baby who doesn’t want to be stuck in an office gets the chance to create social life for a gentleman who is otherwise too busy.
While applying for Fostering Long-Term Arrangement, applicants are kindly requested to inform the Club about their availability, expected Sugar Daddies, expected remuneration, school time, separate room and whether you need to make video calls with your family, etc.
VIP Sugar Daddy
One of the services offered by our Club is introducing new Sugar Babies to our VIP Sugar Daddy Members first on an exclusive basis for two weeks. These gentlemen are generally our wealthier, long term clients who have earned our trust, making them ideal for the first visit for new ladies trying SM for the first time.
When the Club receives a request from one of our male members (Sugar Daddies) looking for a SM lady, we will select three Sugar Babies from our database based on his preferences and recommend them to him. If he chooses one of the ladies, we will then forward his profile to her. If the lady approves, the Club will arrange a Trial Dating for them.
The Club will collect the fees (dating fee, airfare, etc.) from the Sugar Daddy and arrange the date. After dating, the remuneration will be paid to the Sugar Baby.