What is SM (BDSM)

Nature follows its own internal logic. Every male animal has an instinctual urge to conquer and protect females, while every female animal has a desire to be conquered and protected by males. These are the genes pre-installed by the Creator to ensure the reproduction of the species. Similarly, human men and women also carry these dual instincts: to conquer and be conquered, to protect and be protected. This is the essence of human sadomasochism, or SM (BDSM). Thus, SM is a deeply rooted desire in both men and women, intrinsically linked to sexual desire.

More specifically, SM is a form of sexual role-playing: one partner assumes the role of a dominant figure (male or female “master”), while the other takes on the role of a submissive (male or female “slave”). These roles within a relationship can be temporary, long-term, or even lifelong (as seen in marriage).

The most common expression of SM is through sexual foreplay. In this scenario, one partner plays the dominant (S) while the other takes the submissive role (M), engaging in passionate interaction. This type of role-playing foreplay can provide both partners with heightened sexual stimulation, enhancing the overall quality of their intimate experiences. For this reason, SM is often considered a form of erotic art, with some describing it as bedroom cosplay.

Another form of SM involves training: two or more individuals engage in a dynamic where the dominant (S) gives instructions, and the submissive (M) follows. Common depictions of such scenes appear in Western media, like women pretending to be dogs being fed or men acting as horses for women to ride. (Princess Diana was reportedly involved in such role-play, with videos available online.) SM training can also take place in a virtual setting, with participants engaging in a purely psychological experience, free from physical contact or sexual interaction.

In the past, SM was viewed as a deviant practice, something individuals kept hidden, even from themselves. However, in modern times, society has come to recognize it as a natural part of human sexuality. People now approach it with openness, without the stigma it once carried. Since the latter half of the 20th century, SM has become increasingly visible and accepted, gradually moving into the cultural mainstream. For instance, the 2015 film adaptation of “Fifty Shades of Grey” was released in mainstream theaters worldwide, earning critical recognition. In Asia, female celebrities have appeared at award shows wearing “slave collars” in public displays of SM symbolism. This societal shift in attitude toward SM reflects the broader progress of human civilization.